This Week’s Edition of Achdus Magazine… Achdus Speaks with Toms River Resident, Mr. Zevi Pinkasovitz, About the Upcoming Fundraiser to Benefit Renewal

August 15, 2024 09:42 am

This week, Achdus Magazine had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Zevi Pinkasovitz from the South Whitesville neighborhood of Toms River. Zevi, a Renewal kidney donor and strong advocate for kidney donation, shared his journey and explained why he wants to raise awareness about this tremendous mitzvah. Additionally, we hear from two other members of the Toms River community, Mr. Mendel Stroh and Mrs. Gitty Klein, who also donated kidneys through Renewal. We will hear about an upcoming fundraising event for this incredible organization that will be held right here in Toms River.


Read more in this week’s edition of Achdus Magazine…

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This Week’s Edition of Achdus Magazine… Achdus Speaks with Toms River Resident, Mr. Zevi Pinkasovitz, About the Upcoming Fundraiser to Benefit Renewal

August 15, 2024 09:42 am

This week, Achdus Magazine had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Zevi Pinkasovitz from the South Whitesville neighborhood of Toms River. Zevi, a Renewal kidney donor and strong advocate for kidney donation, shared his journey and explained why he wants to raise awareness about this tremendous mitzvah. Additionally, we hear from two other members of the Toms River community, Mr. Mendel Stroh and Mrs. Gitty Klein, who also donated kidneys through Renewal. We will hear about an upcoming fundraising event for this incredible organization that will be held right here in Toms River.


Read more in this week’s edition of Achdus Magazine…

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