This Week’s Edition… Featuring Khal Mikadshei Hashem Neimark’s Recent Visit to Eastern Europe

February 01, 2024 10:18 am

A trip to Europe for hisorirus and the opportunity to daven at numerous mekomos hakedoshim is an invaluable opportunity. Months of planning can go into arranging the itinerary and the myriad details. Yet, for the Toms River communities of Tallymawr and Walden Woods, it took only several weeks from the time the idea was born until its implementation. Mr. Shragi Weisz, a Tallymawr resident and mispallel in Rabbi Meisel’s shul, K’hal Mikadshei Hashem Neimark, shares the highlights of the recent “trip of a lifetime” that was spearheaded by Rabbi Meisels, The Neimark Rov of Toms River.


Read more in this week’s edition of Achdus Magazine…

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This Week’s Edition… Featuring Khal Mikadshei Hashem Neimark’s Recent Visit to Eastern Europe

February 01, 2024 10:18 am

A trip to Europe for hisorirus and the opportunity to daven at numerous mekomos hakedoshim is an invaluable opportunity. Months of planning can go into arranging the itinerary and the myriad details. Yet, for the Toms River communities of Tallymawr and Walden Woods, it took only several weeks from the time the idea was born until its implementation. Mr. Shragi Weisz, a Tallymawr resident and mispallel in Rabbi Meisel’s shul, K’hal Mikadshei Hashem Neimark, shares the highlights of the recent “trip of a lifetime” that was spearheaded by Rabbi Meisels, The Neimark Rov of Toms River.


Read more in this week’s edition of Achdus Magazine…

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