This Election Day You Can Vote for More Open Space Tax to Prevent Overdevelopment of Toms River

October 28, 2021 01:56 pm

This Election Day, Toms River voters will be able to vote whether they feel that the open space tax should be raised one cent to help preserve more of the township’s remaining vacant land. Currently, tax payers pay 1.5 cents per $100 of equalized valuation, which is based on the assessment of each property according to current market values. The proposed 1-cent increase would raise an additional $1.3 million approximately a year, which would allow Toms River to buy parcels of land if needed as they become available. The additional money raised will only be used for acquisition of property for recreational needs or open space preservation.



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This Election Day You Can Vote for More Open Space Tax to Prevent Overdevelopment of Toms River

October 28, 2021 01:56 pm

This Election Day, Toms River voters will be able to vote whether they feel that the open space tax should be raised one cent to help preserve more of the township’s remaining vacant land. Currently, tax payers pay 1.5 cents per $100 of equalized valuation, which is based on the assessment of each property according to current market values. The proposed 1-cent increase would raise an additional $1.3 million approximately a year, which would allow Toms River to buy parcels of land if needed as they become available. The additional money raised will only be used for acquisition of property for recreational needs or open space preservation.



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