A grand Sheva Brachos was held last night in honor of the son of the Dinever Rebbe of Toms River, bringing together a distinguished group of Rabbanim and members of the local community.
The joyous event, hosted in the community’s shul, was graced by the presence of the Skulener Rebbe, the Rachmastrivka Oak & Vine Rebbe, the Kopycznitzer Yerushalayim Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Meir Roth, and Rabbi Meisels-Neimark, among other esteemed local rabbanim.
Renowned for his stirring melodies and heartfelt performances, a famous badchan lent his talents to the evening, creating an atmosphere of spiritual elevation and vibrant celebration. The seuda featured uplifting music and spirited leibedige dancing, as participants joined in being misameach the choson, kallah and their families. May they be zoche to build a bayis neeman biyisarel!