Reminder: The Art of Shalom Bayis by Rebbetzin Nechami Slatus – Tonight!

February 20, 2023 09:56 am

N’shei of South Whitesville will be hosting a Shovivim-Tat shiur on the topic of The Art of Shalom Bayis in Hashkafah and Halacha, given by Rebetzin Nechami Slatus. The shiur will be given at the Parnes home, located on Charleton Circle, tonight, Monday evening, February 20the at 8:30pm.

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Reminder: The Art of Shalom Bayis by Rebbetzin Nechami Slatus – Tonight!

February 20, 2023 09:56 am

N’shei of South Whitesville will be hosting a Shovivim-Tat shiur on the topic of The Art of Shalom Bayis in Hashkafah and Halacha, given by Rebetzin Nechami Slatus. The shiur will be given at the Parnes home, located on Charleton Circle, tonight, Monday evening, February 20the at 8:30pm.

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