Mayor Mo Hill has called for ending the extension of Governor Murphy’s emergency powers. He is urging the governor not to renew his declaration of a public health emergency which expires this week. The mayor supports the attempts of NJ congressmen O’Scalon and Vin Gopal to pass a legislative bill that would effectively curb a governor’s emergency powers and reestablish the legislature’s decision making powers.
In a public statement Mayor Hill said: “Two weeks of flattening the curve has extended to two years of unchecked executive powers that have resulted in economic devastation for NJ small businesses and untold damage to the mental health and development of NJ’s school children
The wisdom of Governor Murphy’s executive orders unrestrained by constitutional checks and balances is now in serious doubt by respected academic,scientists, and physicians.”
A well publicized study by John Hopkins University showed that lockdowns across the nation had very little effect in stopping the spread of Covid 19. American children have suffered by being forced to wear masks in school and isolated from many of their usual activities.
Mayor Hill is a strong proponent of ensuring that the principles of “checks and balances” laid down by the American constitution should not be tampered with any longer. For this reason he is strongly opposed to any more extension of emergency powers given to governors across the nation.