Videos: Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Walden Woods L’Iluy Nishmas R’ Dov ben R’ Nuta HaKohein Rabinowitz z”l

October 31, 2021 03:38 pm

Today, the Walden Woods community celebrated a Hachnosas Sefer Torah written by the Rabinowitz family, L”Iluy Nishmas their father R’ Dov ben R’ Nuta HaKohein Rabinowitz z”l. The entire community came and celebrated together in a beautiful display of Chashivus HaTorah.

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Videos: Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Walden Woods L’Iluy Nishmas R’ Dov ben R’ Nuta HaKohein Rabinowitz z”l

October 31, 2021 03:38 pm

Today, the Walden Woods community celebrated a Hachnosas Sefer Torah written by the Rabinowitz family, L”Iluy Nishmas their father R’ Dov ben R’ Nuta HaKohein Rabinowitz z”l. The entire community came and celebrated together in a beautiful display of Chashivus HaTorah.

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